discover your
rider profile
No matter what your riding experience or ability, we have something for everyone!
At Hilltop MTB we are committed to creating opportunities and environments where riders feel comfortable developing the skills, character and leadership to throw down on any trail, on their bikes or beyond.​..
fitness experience profile

skill experience profile

I am not a regular rider, but I would like to ride more.
I can ride on easy, flat terrain for up to an hour at a casual pace, with intermittent breaks.
I am not sure I enjoy climbing hills…yet.
One of our "Intro To Mountain Biking" courses or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!
I am just getting started and looking to gain an understanding of the base fundamentals to help me feel more confident and in control to tackle “off-road” trails in Squamish and the surrounding area.
You are comfortable riding: Valley Trail, Loggers Lane Trails, Ray Peters Pathway.
One of our "Intro To Mountain Biking" courses or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!
Level 1
Beginner Fitness
Level 1
Beginner Skill

I can ride for 1-2 hours on flat, smooth terrain at a casual pace.
I find climbing challenging and a bit daunting and need lots of breaks, but think I would like to improve so I can access a wider variety of terrain.
Climbing small, short hills is challenging but sometimes manageable.
I can sustain 5-10 minutes of continuous pedaling on smooth surfaces with lots of breaks.
One of our "Progression" Series or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!

I am aware of my controls and starting to explore beyond smooth pathways. I am comfortable on some 'green' rated terrain, and learning how to change gears, brake without skidding and maintain balance on mellow climbs and descents at slower speeds. I can stand up on my pedals, but loose confidence when things get bumpy or more technical. I would like to gain the skills necessary to explore more 'green' rated terrain with confidence and have my sights set on gaining the skills to begin to tackle 'blue' rated terrain.
You are comfortable riding: Ray Peters zone, Into the Looking Glass, Glen’s Carwash, Jack's Trail, Four Lakes Trail.
One of our "Progression" Series or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!
Level 2
Novice Fitness
Level 2
Novice Skill

I can pedal consistently on flat or low-grade trails for 2-3 hours.
Climbing small, short hills is challenging but manageable. I like lots of breaks along the way, and find technical climbing very challenging.
I am still learning to appreciate climbing, but would like to improve so I can access a wider variety of terrain.
I can sustain 15 minutes of continuous climbing on smooth surfaces and can pedal to 'Rob's Corners' at a relaxed pace and with intermittent breaks.
One of our "Progression" Series or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!

I am discovering new skills and working on consolidating my confidence with fundamentals on a mixed variety of 'green' rated terrain. I can change gears and brake effectively on low-gradient single track, and maintain balance on climbs and descents at slower speeds and don't mind rolling over smaller roots and rocks. I am interested in gaining the skills to explore more 'blue' rated terrain with confidence.
You are comfortable riding all the trails from Level 1 PLUS: Wonderland, Rob's and Cliff's Corners, Honour Roll, White Rabbit, Roller Coaster (working towards the steep exit), Fools Gold.
One of our "Progression" Series or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!
Level 3
Intermediate Fitness
Level 3
Intermediate Skill

I can pedal at a moderate pace for up to 3 hours, with limited breaks on a variety of pitches and have good fitness.
While I am still working on building my stamina, I appreciate that climbing gets me to some amazing trails and I can sustain 20 minutes of continuous climbing without needing a break.
I can pedal up to the top of 'Half Nelson' (without assistance) efficiently with some breaks.
One of our "Progression" Series or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!

I am comfortable on all 'green' rated trails, most flowy 'blue' rated and some technical 'blue' rated trails.
I have consolidated many fundamental skills, have good balance and terrain awareness at a moderate pace, and I can stop or slow down without skidding in a variety of conditions.
I have success with getting my front wheel up and over obstacles and am starting to ‘Get Air’ and explore more advanced technical features and terrain like rock-rolls and rock-slabs.
You are comfortable riding all the trails from Level 2 PLUS: Lumber Jacks, Roller Coaster (including the steep exit), Half Nelson, Mikki's Magic, Pseudo-Tsuga, Recycle, Man Boobs, LOA and (most of) Angry Midget, All About Yew, Gorilla Bush, Single Track Mind, Lower Hybrid.
One of our "Progression" Series or a private lesson might be the perfect option for you!
Level 4
Strong-Intermediate Fitness
Level 4
Strong-Intermediate Skill

I can pedal at a moderate to medium pace for up to 4 hours, with short breaks every hour or so on a variety of pitches and have above average fitness.
I love exercise and look forward to logging 'miles on my bike' so I can get to my favorite trails in one ride!
I can pedal to 'Half Nelson' without stopping and then ride back up to 'Pseudo-Tsuga' for a fun lap to finish my ride. I can do a 'Leave of Absence' and a 'Rupert' lap in one ride with minimal breaks.
You may be interested in our 'Performance & Development' programs or one of our "Progression" Series!

I have mastered and can ride playfully on all 'Green' and 'Blue' rated trails and ride with a solid fundamental skill-set. I feel confident on some 'Black' rated terrain. I can brake safely and effectively and can maintain balance on climbs and descents at a variety of speeds, and in varying conditions. I have mastered basic wheel lifts and am comfortable on medium to large jumps (including gaps) and drops, rock-rolls and rock slabs. I am interested in gaining the skills to tackle more 'black' rated terrain with greater confidence.
You are comfortable riding all the trails from Level 3 PLUS: Rupert, Angry Midget, Take The DoNut (Double Donut line), Crouching Tiger, Kiki, Ditch Pig, Mad Hatter, Room With A View, Slippery Salmon, Tomorrow, Two Stroke Smoke, Upper Hybrid, Pamplemousses, Around the Rock, Credit Line, Schleyer, (clearing) Crank It Up, A-line, Lower Whistler Downhill.
You may be interested in our 'Performance & Development' programs or one of our "Progression" Series!
Level 5
Advanced Fitness
Level 5
Advanced Skill

I can comfortably pedal multiple laps on the 'Diamond Head' or 'Alice Lake' trail networks with the odd break, and can ride for up to 6 hours in a day.
I enjoy high-intensity physical activity and can sustain technical climbs and endure about 1-2 hours of effort in between breaks.
I can climb to 'Angry Midget' at a reasonably swift pace, and often choose to ride from home to my favorite trails, to log those extra KMs... A 1,000m or 30km day does not phase me.
You may be interested in our 'Performance & Development' programs or one of our "Progression" Series!

I am comfortable on all 'black' rated terrain and am playful on my bike in a wide variety of situations and terrain.
I am working on refining an established skill-set. I am comfortable on medium to large table-top jumps, small gap jumps, medium drops, longer rock slabs, and other technical terrain. I know how to brake strategically at higher speeds and on steeper/more complex terrain. I am interested in further improving and refining my technique and exploring some 'double-black' rated terrain.
You are comfortable riding all the trails from Level 4 PLUS: Somewhere Over There, Entrails, Boney Elbows, Icy Hole Of Death, Dirty Jane Too, Dirty Jane, Hot Tuna, Dirks, Riggs In Zen, Fade To Black, Value Added, A-Line, Original Sin, Duff Man, Canadian Open DH, Dirt Merchant Pro Line, etc. etc.
You may be interested in our 'Performance & Development' programs or one of our "Progression" Series!
Level 6
Expert Fitness
Level 6
Expert Skill

I can pedal from sun-up to sun-down, and ride my bike almost every day!
1500m/50km days or Enduro World Series size days aren’t a problem for me...In fact I may have even raced at this level.
I have a massive capacity for high-intensity and/or a large volume of riding and can easily ride for 6 hours in a day, taking breaks only every hour or so.
Doing a long accent like 'Into The Mystic/Lord Of The Squirrels' loop (from the valley bottom) in Whistler is my idea of fun!
You may be interested in our 'Performance & Development' programs, booking a private session or JOINING OUR TEAM OF COACHES!

I am comfortable on all features on all 'black' rated terrain and ride all trails with confidence and finesse. Large trail features and gap-jumps, drops and long or chunky rock-slabs are everyday things for me. I am working on further refining my skill-sets, gaining experience and exploring different ways to approach features (scrubbing versus popping jumps for example) on 'double-black' rated terrain. I may also be interested in competing/racing!
You are comfortable riding all trails from Level 5 and MORE!!!
I have a playfulness on a variety of terrain, and I may be interested in high-performance development and have a keenness to repeat skills/drills and trails to refine my skill sets.
You may be interested in our 'Performance & Development' programs or booking a private session or training camp!